QR Codes

QR codes are generated for all short links, making them ideal for offline campaigns and enabling tracking of the number of scans.

As seen on

Powerful Platform Full of Features

Powerful features to enhance link management and analytics.Create short links, track performance, and optimize campaigns.

Link Shortening

Shorten links easily to drive more clicks and track engagement.

Custom Domains

Use your own domain to strengthen your brand and increase traffic.

QR Codes

Generate QR codes to drive more traffic and track engagement.


Track your link performance and optimize for success.


Integrate with third-party tools to simplify your workflow.

Link Management

Easily manage your generated links with powerful filtering options.

Link Expiration

Set custom expiration dates for your shortened links to control access.

Password Protection

Add password protection to your links for enhanced security and privacy.


Target your links by country and device for personalized experiences.

Start Creating Branded Links Today

1000 tracked clicks and unlimited redirects monthly for free.

Get Started - it's free

No credit card required

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